ST2 Pro
Much more than just another monitoring controller
The ST2 Pro hosts a 4-channels Optimizer for a perfect listening in front of typical analog consoles with a monitoring control included. Smart-Meter (Loudness metering) comes as a perfect option for Music, mastering and post-production studios.
ROOM CORRECTION FOR YOUR STUDIO Listen to your mixes, not your room
“Even if you got an unlimited budget for speakers and room treatment, there are specific phase issues you can’t get rid of, and for me, the Trinnov fixes those. So even if your room and speakers are states of the art, I believe you would see some serious improvement using a Trinnov.”
It features Trinnov’s loudspeaker/room optimization technology, with its four simultaneous processing channels. The ST2 Pro supports any stereo speaker setup with 1 or 2 subwoofers or bi-amp system.